Monday, April 22, 2013

Postcard from Cannon Beach

Cannon Beach, Oregon offers an amazing array of photographic opportunities for every kind of photographer. Of course, there is the ocean and Haystack Rock which has probably been photographed more times than a Hollywood starlet.

Just north of town is the beautiful Ecola State Park, that offers both ocean and rain forest scenery. Make sure you plan at least one sunset photo shoot there. There are also other State Parks in or near town that offer unique views of their own. Another one of my favorites is Smuggler’s Cove, just south of town.

But there are also other opportunities for photographers in the town itself…like this unique staircase on the south end of town. I call it, “Up to the Beach,” as you climb up the stairs, over a sand hill, then down again to the beach. I caught it just right with the afternoon shadows on the steps.

If you like shooting unique buildings and homes, the town is full of them. There are several cute cottages and businesses that are best caught in summer or fall. The locals keep their flowers blooming as long as weather permits. It reminds me of Victoria, BC, where residents take special pride in their gardens.

Cannon Beach is arguably the queen of the North Oregon Coastline. The number of tourists that flock there every year for the scenery will testify to that. Yes, it is a town that caters to the tourists. But who can blame them?

If you go there and are on a budget, here is a tip…hotel and B&B rates are cheaper just north of town in Seaside, OR. It’s an easy 10 minute drive from there to Cannon Beach.

Here’s another tip…bring your camera.

(To see a larger version of this painting, just click on the image)

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