Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Postcard from San Simeon

I went through my photographs from Hearst Castle last weekend and found several good ones I had not processed…processed meaning work on them in Photoshop. This was one I thought was pretty good, especially as it was done in low light and handheld. Thank God for anti-shake software.

It is one of the many guest bedrooms in the castle. There are actually 56 bedrooms, along with 61 bathrooms and 19 sitting rooms. During its heyday, Hearst Castle saw an unending list of invited guests come and go. I have no idea who might have stayed in this room, but it is fun to speculate.

Invitations to Hearst Castle were highly coveted in the 1920s and '30s. The Hollywood and political elite often visited…either flying into the estate's private airfield or taking a special, Hearst-owned train car from Los Angeles.

So who made the list? Probably a lot of folks you’ve never heard of. But those you may know include Charlie Chaplin, Cary Grant, the Marx Brothers, Charles Lindbergh, Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, James Stewart, Bob Hope, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin Roosevelt, Dolores Del Rio, and Winston Churchill.

While guests were expected to attend the formal dinners each evening, they were normally left to their own devices during the day while Hearst directed his business affairs. Since "The Ranch" had so many facilities, guests were rarely at a loss for things to do. In fact, Hearst frowned upon people staying in their rooms. So if you wanted to read a book, better do it by the pool.

You notice the dress laid out on the chair…this is a dress from the 20’s or 30’s. You will find several period dresses laid out in bedrooms as you tour the castle. A nice touch.

By the way, I titled this photo “Better than a Motel 6.” You will find more photos from Hearst Castle on my Web site. More are coming, so stay tuned.

(To see a larger version of this painting, just click on the image)

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