Monday, April 15, 2013

Postcard from Chinatown

This is a not photographic trick…meaning I did not do anything special in Photoshop to rearrange the items in this photo. Quite the contrary. I just stood at a corner on Grant Street, in the heart of Chinatown in San Francisco and took the shot.

Obviously, I used Photoshop and a couple of plug-ins to create the photographic effects, but everything else is exactly as it should be. I took nothing out of the photo either. But look close:

The Transamerica Pyramid Building is several blocks away, but in the image, it looks like it is sitting on an old Chinatown building. The Chinese street lamp looks like it grew a regular street lamp out of its side. It did not, of course. If you look just just barely right of the Chinese lamp, you can see the pole holding up the street light. It just blends well with the lamp.

This is one of those images that works to deceive the eye as it is a two dimensional image photographed in a three dimensional world. If you stood in this exact spot, your eye would not see this, unless you trained yourself to see what a scene looks like in two dimensions…not an easy thing to do. Your eye would see the depth of everything in the image.

I call this photo, “East Meets West.” It just seemed like a natural shot to contrast the Chinese lamp with the Transamerica Pyramid. I was fortunate when I found this corner and was able to line up everything almost perfectly.

Sometime, you just get lucky. 

(To see a larger version of this painting, just click on the image)

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