Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Postcard from Oak Park

This lovely old home is in Oak Park, IL…a suburb of Chicago. If the name sounds familiar, it is because this city was home for many years of Frank Lloyd Wright, America’s foremost architect

In fact, this home is just a few doors down from Wright’s home. It was a lovely October afternoon in Chicago and my friend Susan and I took a Green Line train west from the city to Oak Park. From the station, we hopped a local bus down to the street where Mr. Wright lived. After visiting his former home and studio, we decided to walk back to the train station rather than take another bus.

I am glad we did as the street was filled with beautiful homes, many of them obviously designed by Mr. Wright. You do not have to be an architectural expert to spot one of his designs. His “Prairie School” style of architecture becomes easy to spot, once you know what to look for. But, this lovely home isn’t one of them. But it and the surrounding landscape have an innate beauty all their own and would be lovely no matter where they were located. But, as I said, this special street makes for a wondrous walk on a beautiful day.

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