Monday, June 18, 2012

Postcard from Chicago

What do you do when it’s 108 outside and there is nothing to do? Why, of course, you open up Photoshop on your computer and see what mischief you can get achieve. And that is what I did yesterday.

I came across several photos I took of paintings in the Chicago Institute of Art. One of their most prized possessions is Edward Hopper’s most famous painting, “Nighthawks.” And I had a nice photo of it. So being that I was a little heat-crazed from being outside earlier, I decided to see if I could make it better. No that is wrong. I could not do it better than Hopper did. I could only do it differently.

So I started using my bag of tricks to create a flashy, glitzy version of Nighthawks. And in the end, this is what I came up with. It is different, you will grant me that much. But, I was just having fun, seeing what I could do. If you think you could do better, come on down and live in 100+ temperatures for days on end, then give it a whirl. I would love to see it.

PS: If you are not familiar with the original painting, click here to see it. And by the way, the artist painted himself in the picture…he’s the guy next to the lady in red…and that lady was modeled after his wife.

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