Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Postcard from my iPad


This may be the most boring, inartistic photo of mine ever published. And I apologize for that…but this is the first photograph ever taken with my new iPad (aka iPad 3). It is completely unretouched…no Photoshop, Lightroom, iPhoto, or any other software was used here. It went from my iPod to this blog (via Flickr).

If you read my Rants and Raves tech blog yesterday, you know the full story of how I wound up at my local Apple Store on Sunday and surprise myself by buying this remarkable tablet. The highlight is its amazing Retina display…2048x1536. It has a million more pixels than an HDTV so its resolution is stunning. So, if you think the quality of this photo is good, it is even more amazing when seen on the iPad.

Included with the tablet is a 5 megapixel camera with advanced optics, auto white balance, image stabilization and more. Now, it is definitely weird to hold a tablet up to take a photograph…and I probably won’t do it very often…but as with all new toys, I had to try it out. I was surprised by the full range of light that I was able to capture here…from the blue sky with white clouds all the way to shadows with great clarity across the board.

By the way, the photo is of the swimming pool area in my apartment complex in Tucson. The fellow in the picture is trying to retrieve his basketball which you see floating in the pool. Happens a lot here as the basketball court is off to the left of the photo.

But wait, there’s more! The new iPad will take 1080P movies as well…and I did shoot a short 12 second movie of the pool’s waterfall which was pretty good, once I moved my finger away from the lens. Still learning here.

I don’t mean for this blog to be a commercial for Apple, but I love this new iPad and all that it does. I doubt you will be seeing any more photos taken with it, but from now on, I bet you will see more and more people using one as a camera. I’ve seen a few already, one of which was during my last photo trip to Zion in November.

A new trick I learned just today, is I can automatically transmit all future photos from the iPad directly to my desktop computer via Apple’s iCloud…even though I use a Windows PC. Now, I can’t do all the other things that Apple computer and iPhone users can do with the iCloud…wish I could. Microsoft really needs to get with the program here.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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