Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Postcard from Highway 12

As Highway 12 climbed higher and higher toward Boulder Mountain, I left the September summer behind and entered Autumn. The first aspens were just beginning to turn, but the the higher I ascended, the more the colors grew in intensity…until I reached the summit when most of the trees had achieved their full Autumn glory. It was a very special and unexpected sight.

Soon, I would start back down again toward Capitol Reef National Park, and summer would return. But, on that highway, I saw the fall season begin, then peak, then disappear until a later date, all in one morning.

Highway 12 in Utah is one of the most beautiful byways in America, as I have documented here before. I did this digital painting in an impressionist style to show the light and the colors up on Boulder Mountain that early September day. I do so much like to experiment with digital paints using different techniques...and the original photo seemed so right for a painting.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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