Monday, January 09, 2012

Postcard from Yosemite

Back in May of last year, I showed you a photo very similar to this one. In fact it was taken on the same day and nearly at the same time. In going through my photos the other day, I found that I had a better composition of this same scene.

This one has much more emphasis on the reflections in the water. I must admit I am surprised I missed this image when reviewing the photos from my May trip to this great National Park. I am glad I went back and looked again.

Like the previous one, this can be classified as an HDR (High Dynamic Range) photo. I shot 5 successive photos instantaneously at different exposures, then combined them into one shot in post-processing…plus a little touch-up in Photoshop. I must say I love experimenting with HDR as it puts one’s photographic skills to the test like none other. But, in many cases, like this particular shot, it is the only way to go.

Here’s why:

This was photographed at the last waning moments of sunset where only Half Dome and the sky are lit up. The Merced River and the surrounding forest are in deep, deep shade. There is no way a single exposure with today’s camera could capture this scene…even using graduated neutral density filters (that is a topic for another day). I would love to thank the person or persons who came up with the concept of HDR…it adds new dimensions to what is capable with digital photography.

For your information, this was taken on the bridge that leads to Yosemite Village, just past the chapel. Trust me…you can’t miss it. It’s a good place to bring your camera (and tripod if shooting at sunset) to photograph this wonderful scene.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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