Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Postcard from Tucson

This is one of those images that started out as one thing and turned into something entirely different. Let me explain.

My camera and I were wandering around the University of Arizona campus looking for different architectural elements. You have seen some of these photos in past blogs. I saw these interesting steps that were wide at the bottom and nearly converged at the top. I tried photographing them at different angles and thought I might find something of interest.

Later, when looking at photos in Lightroom, they were all duds! And I mean really boring duds. I almost erased them when I started playing with one of them and narrowed down the point of view to just the end of the steps and the rail. And for some reason, I liked what I had.

As you can see, there are lines that are straight, then take off in right angles and a rail rising up at and angle that gave the image depth. A little more cropping and some more Photoshop magic and I had a special image. Of course it is in black and white as there is no color to distract your eye (there was not much color to begin with).  So, you see the elements of the image as they are meant to be seen. 

Unlike some of my photos, I never tire of seeing this one. I hope you enjoy it also. If nothing else, it is a good lesson on the value of cropping and never giving up on an image until you have explored all the possibilities.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it Bro!