Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Postcard from Glacier

This is Avalanche Creek, a lovely, normal creek that flows out of beautiful Avalanche Lake in Glacier National Park. It’s normal, that is until it hits this rocky narrow canyon, then it becomes what is commonly called “rapids” as it rips through these narrows on the final part of its  journey to Lake McDonald.  

To get to this lovely view spot, just take the trail to Avalanche Lake. Shortly after leaving the parking area, you will see a bridge off to the left of the main trail. Just walk over to it and enjoy the beauty you see here.

But, if I were you, after viewing this lovely scene, I would rejoin the trail and keep going until you come to Avalanche Lake. It’s only about 3 miles round trip and well worth it. I showed photos of it here some time ago…it is a beautiful lake surrounded by steep high mountains with several waterfalls pouring into the lake. It is spectacular! And the scenery along the trail (and the more quieter parts of the creek) are also very enjoyable. Take your time and breathe it all in. Its well worth the journey if you are ever in Glacier National Park.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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