Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Postcard from Sedona

This part of Sedona is called Long Canyon. I took this image in December of 2009, early in the morning. You can see some snow on the mountains…and, trust me, it was cold…below freezing, for sure.

That morning, my friend Dave and I had arisen well before dawn and took our cameras high up into the mountains on the airport road to photograph the city and mountains behind it at sunrise. Well, guess what? The sun was hidden by clouds and the lights was awful. I suggested we drive down off the mountain ASAP and head into the Long Canyon country, hoping the light would get better…which is exactly what we did.

By the time we got there, the light had indeed gotten better and I was able to shoot this photo. I like it and am surprised I haven’t shown it here before. But I am correcting that oversight now. I hope you like it as much as me.

Actually, we had not planned to visit Sedona on this trip. Dave and I met up in Phoenix and were hoping to get to either Zion or Bryce to do some snow photography. However a massive snow storm shut down the Interstate south of Flagstaff, so we had no hope of getting anywhere close to Utah in the time we had allotted. So we did the next best thing…we got off the Interstate and headed into Sedona.

It had snowed there recently, but not when we were there. But, as I said, the temperatures were very, very cold. But we never let that stop us from trying to get some good images in this very beautiful spot. By the way, we got up very early the next morning also and managed to get some good images of Sedona and its mountains from the airport road. So all turned out well in the end.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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