Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Postcard from Oak Creek

Sometimes when it is over 100 outside here in Tucson, which it invariably is, I think about the cooler days of winter…especially snow scenes. This is the bridge on the trail to the entrance to Oak Creek Canyon. Not much of a trail on this day, but fortunately I know the way.

I may romanticize the coolness of that day, but it was very cold…just below freezing actually…but it sure looks inviting when it is 103 outside here as it is today. By the way, Oak Creek Canyon is just a few miles north of Sedona, AZ. I’ve hiked through the canyon in the Autumn (you may have seen a few pictures here in past editions), but, it is a bit more difficult in the heart of winter.

I did give it a shot, but didn’t get very far. The canyon itself is almost always in shadows, so the snow has no chance to melt. So there was a lot more snow on the ground than you see here. Down the road in Sedona, there was absolutely no snow on the ground…just cold.

So, if it is hot where you are, I hope this cools you down a bit.

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