Monday, August 15, 2011

Postcard from the Arches

Here is another image from one of my favorite National Parks. When you have a day in a beautiful place such as this, one cannot stop shooting…and this was one of those days were the amazing clouds ruled the landscape. Long-time followers of my blog and photography have seen some of the images already…but there are more, like this one, you have not seen.

Yesterday, on Twitter, I posted the following quote from the great Ansel Adams, pioneer of landscape photography:

Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.

That was this day in the Arches. The clouds were beyond belief! I considered myself one of the luckiest men with a camera on the planet that day. For your information, this formation of rocks and arches is located just to the left of the famous Double Arch. There are several fantastic arches in this same area including the two Windows Arches and Turret Arch. There is a turnoff from the main road in The Arches to get to all these arches. You will find it just past Balanced Rock.

Definitely make The Arches National Park one of your destinations in the future. PS: The Island in the Sky portion of Canyonlands National Park is only a few miles up the road from the Arches. How handy is that?

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