Thursday, April 28, 2011

Postcard from Quartzite–Rock Me, Baby


Give me some new tools for Photoshop and I will start playing like a kid with a new toy. This time, I revisited my collection of rock photos from Quartzite, AZ…the sleepy tiny town in the middle of nowhere that is famous for rocks and RV shows.

This is one of several photos taken at a rock shop in Quartzite where small and medium size rocks reside in barrels…perfect for shooting (you have heard the old expression, “As easy as shooting rocks in a barrel”). With my new Photoshop tools, I started playing and creating new colors and textures. I call this new series of photos, “Color and Chaos.”

While the colors here are not faked, they are definitely exaggerated…and the textures are definitely exaggerated! But, that is the fun of creating art…going off the mainstream and heading into uncharted territory. Sometimes you get a winner, other times a total dud.  I like to think this shot, and a few other rock shots, are winners, if nothing more than fun eye candy.

I hope you agree. 

You can see more fantasy rocks at my newly updated Flickr site in the “Colors and Chaos” section.

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