Saturday, April 02, 2011

Postcard from Oxford

It’s one of my favorite cities in the world…Oxford, England. It lies about 1.25 hours north of London, depending on traffic. Of course, it has one of the most famous and oldest universities in the world, dating back to the 11th century. Oxford University consists of 38 colleges with romantic names such as St. Johns, Trinity, Queens, Keble, New (which is old), Jesus, Exeter, and many more.white_horse_ pub

Its noted teachers and students are way too many to name here. Its churches, libraries and museums are incredible and fun to explore. The whole city reeks with charm from by-gone eras. And, I have been fortunate to visit it several times. But part of its charm includes its many pubs in and around town.

This photo/sketch is of my favorite Oxford pub, the White Horse. It is located on Broad Street, in the heart of Oxford, directly across the street from the famous Sheldonian Theater. It’s the oldest pub in Oxford, dating back to 1590. It was “home” to famous visitors to Oxford such as President Clinton and Winston Churchill…and favorite hangout of TV’s Inspector Morse. Also look for it in the movie, “The Oxford Murders,” (they sat at the same table as me). It is also one of the city’s smallest pubs.  But definitely worth the visit.

If you go, be sure and order the steak and ale pie…so delicious…and let the barman pick out your beer/ale/lager/bitters for your meal.

Its easy to get to…if you are in London, take the bus (called the Oxford Tube). There are several pickup spot in London, then non-stop to the heart of downtown Oxford. Then, just walk and enjoy this most incredible city.

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