Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Postcard from Tucson

Not long ago, I mentioned a new project I was working on…architectural studies of buildings in the Tucson area. Well, I am still plugging away at it, usually on weekends. This is one of the photos I took on one of my outings. It isn’t exactly a true architectural photo, but I like it, never-the-less. It has some nice artistic qualities. And actually, as the tables, chairs and umbrellas were planned by the original architect, perhaps it is architectural in nature. aerospace umbrellas

I took it on the third floor of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Building on campus as the University of Arizona. As you will see from future photos, the UofA is a treasure trove of fabulous architecture. And now that I think about it, you have already seen a few examples in past blogs.

This actually is one of my favorite places on campus. On weekends, you will often find me there, working on my netbook computer, or just reading. It has a fabulous courtyard between two main buildings, filled with tables and chairs. In the courtyard are beautifully shaped concrete planters with plants, lawn and bushes and many stately palm trees rising almost to the third floor. I recently read that the building was designed to resemble and airplane hanger, but I must admit, I don’t see it.

Two walkways on each connect the two buildings. It is from the western walkway, looking down, that I took this photo. I hope you like it.

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