Saturday, May 09, 2009

Postcard from Silver Falls – Wet Wildflower

I came here to capture the waterfalls with my camera. But it rained that day, and I noticed this beautiful wildflower standing alone in a green field just after a shower ended. Such a lovely sight.

Silver Falls State Park is in Oregon, about 25 miles east of Salem. Inside its boundaries lie ten waterfalls of varying sizes. Some can be seen from the road, others can only be accessed on foot. Regardless, it is some of the most beautiful country in the western US. If memory serves, I have shared a photo or two of the major falls here in this blog.

But, a good photographer must always be aware of the small as well as the large when visiting a place like this. And so I was and caught this image. I am not sure of the flower’s name…perhaps it is a foxglove. But, it doesn’t really matter. It is beautiful without a formal name and makes one wonder if someone else who was there that day noticed it also.

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