Friday, April 17, 2009

Postcard from the U of A – The Moveable Pen

I was recently reminded that a good writer should work occasionally from different locations besides his own desk. I knew that, of course, and have often done it, but not much lately. Today, I changed that.

This blog is being written on site in the photography library at the Center for Creative Photography, located on the campus of the University of Arizona. What better place for a photographer to write? This unique institution houses the archives of many famous photographers, including Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Garry Winogrand, Harry Callahan, and other great 20th century photographers. It is also a learning center for today’s budding photographers. The library, located directly across the hall from the main photo exhibition area, houses thousands of books, all related to photography. If you are in Tucson and are interested in photography, this center for the photographic arts deserves a visit.

From my desk here, I look out the large window and see other areas that make up the college of fine arts. I believe I have mentioned here before that the University wisely put related colleges and schools in the same location. To my left, I can see the school of music and the main concert hall, which I have visited on numerous occasions. Directly in front of me is the drama school and the large theater that houses many excellent plays (currently showing The Music Man). To the right are the art museums and school of fine art. Earlier today, I visited the main art museum and saw a newly hung painting by Renoir. Lovely.

This is a good place to feel creative and write a blog.

Another project I have worked on recently is the reorganization of all my photos into specific folders on the computer and cataloging them for post processing using Adobe’s Lightroom. It was amazing to find how many photos that I have taken over recent months had not imported into Lightroom…and how many forgotten gems now are available to me once again. Call it my lost photos, suddenly rediscovered.

Today’s photo was one of those lost ones…it comes from my October visit to Lassen National Park. This is the very lower end of Hat Lake, with Mt. Lassen in he background. The lake was created by beavers and makes for a nice end-of-autumn photo. Over the next few weeks, you will see more of my “lost photos” as I work my way through the archives. Stay tuned. Who knows where I will write the next blog?

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