Monday, April 27, 2009

Postcard from the Grand Canyon - Sunrise

While this picture is of sunrise in the Grand Canyon, it is not your usual shot. This was taken back in November of 2007…when the sun was just breaking over the horizon. Enough rays from the sun hit the smoke just right to give it this very special effect. It only last for a couple of minutes, but renders a somewhat breathtaking image.

Perhaps breathtaking is the operative word here. The smoke you see is not from campfires, or forest fires, or any kind of normal fires. In fact, it is not smoke at all. It is industrial haze, otherwise know as smog.

Sorry to ruin a good image with the truth.

The smog has three major sources: Las Vegas and Los Angeles to the west and a coal-fired power plant to the east, near Page. Pollution from Mexico also plays a role as do vehicle emissions from tourists.

The good news, at least for me, was that on my last visit there in late March, I saw no smog at all. But, fear not, it will be back with a vengeance. Just make sure you go there before sunrise to catch the best light hitting the industrial haze.

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