Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Picture of the Day – The Painted Hills

My first significant destination after leaving Grant County back in October was the Painted Hills in Eastern Oregon. I wrote a blog about it and shared a couple of photos…but nothing since. I had occasion today to look at some of those pictures again and there are several spectacular photos that have not been seen by anyone.

So I went through the unpublished list and picked this one to share with you today. On my first day there, I had spectacular afternoon light along with fluffy clouds on a deep blue sky. What more could a photographer ask?

I hope you like this image and I will try to sneak in a few more here and there. For those of you who live in the Pacific Northwest, you should try and visit these amazing hills. Late afternoon is the best time to photograph.

PS: I was amazed on visiting the Painted Deserts of Arizona how similar they were to their Oregon cousins.

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