The era of my Tucson blogs began here. In this very back room, I wrote my first blogs about Tucson (and other places), browsed the Internet, worked on email, processed photos, and even watched a few TV shows. This is Bookmans Used Book Store out on Speedway Drive, the largest of their three stores in Tucson. They also have 2 stores in the Phoenix area and one in Flagstaff.
I first noticed Bookmans while scouting out Tucson as a possible new home back in January 2008…but never got inside. When I came back to Tucson to put down roots in December, I meandered in to this very store…and instantly fell in love. For various reasons, I couldn’t move into my apartment for 2 weeks after I signed on the dotted line. So I camped in the mountains not too far from here, then came down here to write and use the Internet.
For starters, this is the largest used book store I have ever seen! And as you may have figured out by now, I am an avid reader. This store can supply me reading materials at bargain prices for the rest of my life.
But, Bookmans goes beyond just books. There are books on Tape and CD’s movies, music CD’s and even dishes and other sundries. I addition, it is the most wonderful loosey-goosy operation I ever been privileged to be in. The only employee dress code appears to be “dress for fun.” There is no proper etiquette rules for announcements over the PA system…it is say what you want and again have fun.
And when you get to the checkout, you might just get an extra discount for no good reason at all. I once got one because I waited an extra minute for them to find a book. There are no scanning machines at the front door to see if you stole something. for Presently, I am in the Community Room, just off the main store. It has tables and chairs and is free for groups to use for their meetings, or like me, just to browse the net. I have even seen people playing cards back here. This is a community-based business that is something to relish and enjoy. 
But its the inventory that will knock you sox off! There are thousands and thousands of books of all types here, and the inventory is always changing. I usually have a list of books I am looking for that I carry on my Blackberry. Sometimes I can’t find any of them. A few weeks ago, I came in with a list of 8 books and found 7 of them….three of them had been impossible to find. Now, that was a good day.
Sadly for me, this store is the farthest one from my home, but it it still worth the journey. Next to Bookmans is a wonderful bakery/sandwich store called “Beyond Bread.” Across the street is a Starbucks and one of my favorite grocery stores, Trader Joe’s. So when I come this way, I make the “Grand Tour” and hit them all.
Now, that wraps up this blog and I am now going to wander out with my list and look for more gems to add to my reading agenda. See ya.