Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Picture of the Day - Avalanche Lake

On my last day in Montana, just a week ago now, I got up early and headed into Glacier National Park. My objective was to hike into Avalanche Lake, a five mile round trip hike, mostly uphill on the way in. Eighteen years ago, I had hiked to the Lake and remembered its incredible beauty. I wanted to try and capture it with my camera this time.

As I found out after getting there, I should have done this hike in the afternoon for the best light. The most amazing feature of this lake is that approximately seven waterfalls flow over the high cliffs that surround the lake. As there was still a lot of snow up in the high country, the waterfalls were absolutely full. Unfortunately, most of them were in shadows when I arrived. This angle had the best light of that morning and you can at least see two of the waterfalls.

Perhaps tomorrow I will show you a picture of the waterfalls, even though it is far from one of my best. If you want to be a good photographer, you must learn to use the available light to its best advantage. Good photography is, for the most part, learning to paint with light. Even the best Photoshop software cannot put in light that is not there. Study the works of great photographers and you will see what I mean.

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