Monday, June 02, 2008

Picture of the Day - Homesteader's Cabin

Another digital sketch from my home county. I ran across this old abandoned cabin someplace in the hills east of Soap Lake. There are many unimproved roads all over this county and I am not sure I could find it again.

As usual, I photographed this because it knew it would make an intriguing image. As for using it as a color photograph...well I knew when I snapped the shutter that wouldn't work. It was a nearly colorless scene. But, I knew it might make a good digital sketch.

I played with many techniques, but was not happy with most of them. This one, I thought turned out well and after a few weeks of thinking about it, decided I liked it a lot. By the way, that it something I do for almost every digital painting or sketch I create...I print a copy, then let it sit around for a while to see if it grows on me.

Black and white sketches are an art form I dearly love. I really enjoy the old engravings from the 18th century onward. They are something I always seek out when in Europe as they seem to be more appreciated there than here in America. B&W sketches don't sell very well, but I don't care. I do them occasionally just for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.