This is one of the first buildings I saw when I drove into Tempe and on to the campus of Arizona State University. I mean, how could one miss this multi-story structure with a bunch of X’s all the way around it? Of course, I have an eye for architectural oddities, or perhaps I should say unique architectural elements.
And this is a very unique building and I am only sorry I couldn’t capture all of it. It is three-sided instead of the usual four. Each side has a curve on it as you can see from the image. In fact, I call this photo, “Where the X’s Start to Curve.”
Of course, I see the sides as X’s…but they could easily be seen as rows of V’s or W’s, or even diamond shapes. My eye and brain saw them as X’s. I am not sure what that says about me. Is this some sort of architectural Rorschach Test?
Anyway it makes a wonderful addition to my collection of architectural images. There are a few more images to come from my day on two ASU campuses.
PS: Sorry about no blogs last week. I suffered a sever bout of food poisoning (I am guessing Salmonella from one of our local establishments) a week ago and it has taken a while for me to recover fully. It’s hard to be creative when one is sick.
(To see a larger version of this image, just click on it)
To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,…or visit my Flickr Page.
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