Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Postcard from Kolob Canyon

This photo is of the Kolob Canyon in Utah. Never heard of it? Actually it is in Zion National Park. If you have spent any time in Zion, you are probably scratching your head wondering why you have never seen these mountains.

Well, they are not in the back country on some long arduous trail.  No, no. I took this photo from the road. Actually, Kolob Canyon are in the northwest section of Zion National Park. To get there, you must leave the main section of the park, head west about 30 miles to Interstate 15, then go north for about 17 miles to the Kolob Canyon exit. You will also gain in elevation from about 3,500 to approximately 6 ,000 feet (hence the presence of snow).

There is a visitor center right at the exit where you will pay your fees if you haven’t already done so at the main entrances to Zion. From there it is a short drive up and along the canyon viewpoint road where you can see views like the one here. It is a beautiful section of the park with some interesting trails to explore.

This is not one of my artsier photos, rather much more of a postcard. It was an overcast day, so the light was not good…and while Autumn was flourishing in the main part of Zion, it had long since passed here. I hope someday to go back and see it in sunlight with clouds. But, I went anyway this day as I had never been here. I am glad I did.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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