Friday, February 04, 2011

Postcard from the Cascades–Autumn Cartoon


As I have written here before, the Cascade Mountains of WA yield some of the finest autumn colors on this planet. Some years, of course, are better than others. Still, the Cascades are a photographer’s paradise in October.

I completed this image only today and wanted to share it with you right away. I’ve been working lately on upgrading my Web site images, adding new ones, and replacing those I’ve fallen out of love with. These last two days, I worked on some of my autumn images, which is always a labor of love. The colors…my God, how could you not love working on photos from autumn?

As is sometimes my habit, I played with a new, recently acquired Photoshop filter, called Cartoon. I was just experimenting, but loved what showed up. So, of course, I named it, “Autumn Cartoon.” I don’t consider it one of my paintings per say as I just applied a filter.  It does look like one and if I were still doing art shows, I might just put it out for sale.

I hope you enjoy it and in these dog days of winter, a little extra color is always to be savored.

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