Monday, February 07, 2011

Postcard from Bryce Canyon


You’ve seen this photography before. I shared it with you just over one year ago. I am showing it again because my new blog writing software allows me to show photographs in a much larger size than ever before.  You may have noticed in recent blogs that many of the photos took up the entire top of the this one.

This is my favorite photo from Bryce and is also one of my favorite photos of all time. And now I can show it in a much bigger version. A year ago, the photo was just too small to really enjoy.

It shows the view of the aptly named Amphitheater in the north section of the park. The view is from high up on Inspiration Point, a rugged bit of a vertical climb. The trail is easy, but at 8,000 feet, you really give your lungs a workout. But on this day, it was worth it.

If you ever go to Bryce Canyon National Park, be sure an be ready to take photographs at sunrise. The canyon walls face east, so the morning light on the hoodoos is spectacular. In close-up photos in many areas, the sunlight bounces of the back walls of the canyon, giving shadow areas a wonderful glow. 

I have a second reason to show you this photo again. I’ve completely redone my Web page section on Bryce…removing several photos, redoing others, and adding several new photos never shown before. I invite you to take a look.

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