Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Postcard from Autumn–Forest Floor


I love these small scenes of nature, as you may have noticed. This was shot in Autumn, late October actually. Where? It doesn’t really matter, I guess, as its just another small, tiny piece of nature in the fall.

Actually, it was photographed in Yosemite National Park…not in the Valley, nor in the high country…but about halfway between…off of the Big Oak Flat Road. I just wandered into the forest and found this little scene. I didn’t arrange anything, just shot it as is. On that safari, I got to the park at exactly the right time.

What is better than wandering in nature, taking in the beauty? Most of the time it is not worthy of a prize-winning photo. But, never-the-less, it is peaceful and glorious to behold. It can restore our souls and wash away the noise and confusion of everyday life. But, it does help to have a camera nearby when you run into a beautiful little scene like this.

In my last blog, I showed you the grand sweep of Bryce Canyon from high on Inspiration Point. By way of contrast, I show you a tiny part of Yosemite here, but no less beautiful than the Canyon.

But, like the last blog where I told you to check out my updated Bryce Canyon photos on the Web, today, I am promoting my updated Autumn photo site on my Web pages. Again, this site has many new, never-before-scene photos, like this one…as well as some reworked images from other Autumn locations. I invite you to see it, at your convenience.

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