Monday, December 06, 2010

Postcard from the Arches–The Fiery Furnace at Sunset

fiery furnace and mountains

This picture was taken on my trip last month into the Arches National Park. It shows a very small part of the Fiery Furnace section of the park, set against the LaSalle Mountains.   For two days, we were very fortunate to have a haze-free unobstructed view of the mountains…not always possible.

The Fiery Furnace is a large series of small canyons, many of them dead-ends, set inside many, many fins.  Inside you will find both small and large arches. It is highly recommended for newbies that you take a ranger-led tour inside the furnace.  Having done that, I will tell you it is the only way to go. It would be so easy to get lost in there.  If I went back in, I would still only go with a ranger. Its an arduous hike through there, and some time I will tell you about my experiences, but what is inside the furnace is well worth the hike.  By the way, on a hot summer day, it’s the coolest place in the park, in spite of its name.

For this photograph, I again experimented with HDR photography, using 5 separate photos to come up with a composite photo that shows the best exposure values for each part of the photo. Only this time, I didn’t shoot 5 exposures on site…I only shot one.  In Photoshop, I created 5 separate images using a full one stop value for each. In other words the exposures went from –2 to +2, with the original photo as the 0 point.  Then using a program called Photomatix, I combined all five into one shot.

Of course, the final image had to be tweaked again in Photoshop as they never come out of Photomatix perfectly. I like some of the things I can do with HDR and will be experimenting with it more in the future.  Stay tuned for more in the future.

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