Monday, February 22, 2010

Postcard from Long Canyon

Sometimes I wonder at my luck at arriving in the right place at the right time, with camera in hand. More often, it is the wrong time of day, wrong light, wrong sky, wrong everything. But, in my journey through Long Canyon I got lucky. A rain storm had just ended, the clouds were breaking up, and the light was almost perfect.

I’ve written about Long Canyon before…but to refresh your memory, it is along the Burr Trail, which is off of Highway 12 in Utah. I believe I have already shown you some of my better pictures from here, but I thought I would put another one on-line.

This is a gorgeous canyon, off of the beaten track, but still easy to get to. There is a plethora of photo opportunities along its 6 mile trek. I just got lucky that day with everything being right… and thank God for that.

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