Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Postcard from Glacier National Park

Chasing Waterfalls

We go through life
Seeking to save our souls.
Like rushing rivers
Over waterfalls.

Days like our waves
Go rolling by fast
Over rock and stone
To be free of the past.

And soon we reach the coast
As our wandering ends.
Swirling in our wake at most
Amid family and friends.

We return back to our home
From a simple rain of drops,
A mighty river rages on
Until reaching ocean it finally stops.

by Aztlanquill

Digital Painting by J.R. Corkrum

(To see a larger version of this image, just click on it)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,…or visit my Flickr Page.

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