Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Postcard from Tucson

Did I ever mention that we have fabulous sunrises and sunsets down here in the deep Southwest? Of course I have. Sorry, bad joke. But one of the prices we pay for living down here are some extremely hot summer days. Tucson is higher in elevation than Phoenix so we are a little cooler, but still temps can hit 110 here…day after day after day.

Now I like to get in a daily walk no matter what time of year it is. Today, for instance, it was only 67 degrees. Except for the wind, it was a great walk. But on those hot summer days, I have to get up before sunrise to get in a walk.  Even then, I could be walking in the high 70’s or 80’s. But at least I get my exercise in before heading inside for the day.

That explains why I get to take a lot of sunrise photos. Many days are not worth shooting, but occasionally I get lucky…like this one particular morning…August 10, 2013. I took this shot, then immediately headed out for my walk before the sun got into my face.

There is no Photoshop magic here other than to darken the not-very-interesting foreground. This is the way it was. Sadly, the rays did not last long…they never do. Still it was a lovely morning with a very enjoyable walk. 

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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