Thursday, December 19, 2013

Postcard from Italy

To be honest, I took the original photo somewhere in Northern Italy…possibly in the wine growing region of Piemonte, not far south of Torino. I took it on one of my rips to Italy, but I could not tell you exactly where or when. It was originally photographed on slide film, then digitized by scanner.

The title of the photo is, “Fearful Tower.”

Of course it was not all doom and gloom that day. Actually it was a beautiful day with some wonderful clouds in the sky. When I looked at the original slide, I knew I wanted to do something different…and I thought the image was perfect for some sort of moody, doom and gloom photo. 

I worked on it a few years ago and could never get it the way I saw it in my head. But with all the new post processing tools that came out this year, I thought I would give it another shot…and this was the final result. Not bad…I think I achieved that “gloom and doom” look.

I also can’t remember what we did that day, but I am sure wine and some great Italian food was part of it. There was a wonderful little deli and grocery store in the Alba town square where we would buy our goodies for a day of exploring. The two ladies that owned the place were extremely friendly and helpful, even though they spoke no English. Just part of many great days in Italy.

Even the gloomy dark tower here cannot spoil my happy memories.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website, or at my Flickr site.

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