Monday, December 09, 2013

Postcard from Tubac

This is one of those photos I took knowing I would have some fun with it in post-processing…which is exactly what happened. This is a wind sculpture, designed to sit on a pole and spin when the wind hits it.

There are several of them in Tubac, the art town 40 miles south of Tucson (if you missed my 11/25/13 blog about Tubac, you can read about this fun little town by clicking here). This particular one sat on a pole and was a few feet above my head, so I had to shoot up to capture the image. In fact, it was spinning a little, so I had to use a fast shutter speed. Thank God there were some clouds in the sky to break up a boring background.

But the real fun came in post-processing. Using several of my digital tools, I was able to create this unusual image that I believe turned out rather well. Of course, I didn’t create it on the first try. I had to keep experimenting until I got this final image. But, that is the fun of it all.

Sure hope you enjoy it.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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