Monday, November 18, 2013

Postcard from Venice

On this particular trip to Venice, I managed to catch a day where it rained all day. Lucky me. The day started out in Asti, on the west side of Italy. There it was sunny and bright…the day looked promising. As the train headed east toward Venice, I could see clouds start to form. By the time the train arrived in Venice, it was pouring rain…and I mean pouring.

It rained non-stop all day. Surprisingly, St. Marks Square, known for its occasional flooding, never did. In fact, this photo, originally taken with my film camera, is in St. Mark’s Square. The steps in the photo lead to the entrance of one of Venice’s most famous landmarks: St Mark's Campanile, AKA the Bell Tower for St. Mark’s Basilica. It stands 324 feet above the square and, ironically, is across the plaza from the Basilica. But, no one really cares if it attached or not. It’s very famous.

When in one of the most famous places in the world, it is so easy to look up and around. It is definitely breathtaking. But, as you know, I like to look down occasionally for something interesting or special that would make a good photo. I found this on this rainy day in Venice: a broken umbrella that someone discarded. I was immediately captivated and took this photo.

Of course, taken with a film camera, I didn’t know how it would turn out. But when I got back to the US, I found I liked it very much, which is why it is included here. The blue umbrella and the wet marble steps make such a great contrast. This may not be your cup of tea, but I like it. Such great memories (albeit wet ones).

Now you have something to do if you ever go to Venice and its raining cats and dogs…go look for broken umbrellas in famous places. Oh…and take a picture too!

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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