Monday, November 11, 2013

Postcard from San Jose

I titled this photo, “Gateway: From College to the Real World.” I took it on the campus of San Jose State, my alma mater. In looking at it in post processing, it occurred to me I was looking out from the university campus to a regular city street…in other words, from the campus out into the real world…a gateway, if you will.

I recall my own departure from the academic world and facing the realities of the real world. The closed society of the university is all too idealistic, almost a utopian peaceful place to learn and meet other educated people. The real world is far different, as I soon discovered.

For a time, I was lost and went through some tough times. But, eventually I found myself, created new goals and adjusted nicely to the de facto existence offered in our society. Over the years, all has turned out well. But, it was those college years that gave me the basis for my life, as well as my photographic and writing career. How I photograph and write today bear little resemblance to those university days…but I could not have accomplished what I have done since without those years at San Jose State.

In a way, I am back at university these days. I attend lectures and other events at the University of Arizona. What a pleasure it is to sit and learn…and not have to take any tests! I’ve read where so many people my age are retiring to college and university cities where they can continue their education at a more leisurely and pleasurable pace…studying what they want without the competition of achieving high grades.

If you are young and have not been to college yet, heed these words and remember: College will be a special time in your life, one you will always remember and cherish. Take it all in, savor every moment, including those all-nighters writing a paper or studying for finals. There will be times later in life when you will wish you were back there again. But, persevere, use those lessons and move forward…through the gateway to the real world. 

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