Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Postcard from the Desert

This is a Cholla Cactus…also known down here as a Jumping Cholla. Why? Because if you get close, a segment of the cactus will jump off and stick itself into the closest part of your body. And trust me, it hurts. Not only that, but they are very difficult to remove.

Just look at the hundreds of needles on the plant. When it “attacks,” there is no way to grab hold of it to get it off…and the needles go deep. Each needle is very sharp and has hundreds of microscopic scales. The scales work like a fishhook. They go into your skin easily, but the scales expand making it hard to remove.

Static electricity is enough to detach the spikes and stick them on a passing animals or humans. Also vibrations of someone walking close by can cause them to jump.

A couple of years ago, I was attacked by one. I don’t believe I brushed against one…believe me with those needles I would have known it. All I know was there was one of them stuck in by side and another in my leg. I used a handkerchief to get them off me as that is all I had.

Veteran desert travelers always carry a comb or a pair of needle nose pliers. Using a comb allows you to have leverage over the needles and they will come out…but you will feel it for several hours.

A couple of weekends ago, my son was visiting here and we saw a young lady get stuck. Eric is a Border Patrol Agent and he is quite familiar with the nasty cactus from his desert patrols. He used his shirt to wrap around the needles and remove them from her skin.  

So why do they jump? Believe it or not, it is their way of reproducing. When you pull a segment out of your skin, of course you throw it on the ground. In the winter months, that segment will grow roots and become another Cholla. That is why you will often see a forest of Cholla plants growing together. Clever, eh?

They do produce a lovely flower this time of year, but it is neutral…it is not used for reproduction like most other flowers.

So take a good look at this photo…memorize it. When you come down this way, make sure you don’t get close to these buggers as you will pay a heavy, painful price. You’ve been warned!

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