Monday, February 18, 2013

Postcard from Tucson

Well it isn’t quite spring yet, here in Sonoran Desert, but we are getting close. I spent the weekend in glorious sunshine here with temps in the low 70’s. The best part of the days were spent either at a baseball game or sitting outside at UofA reading in the sunshine. The best part of our year starts now.

Sadly, in a couple of days, a nasty storm will be over our heads and temps will be in the 50’s. But I don’t mind. A good rain this time of year means we will have have a glorious March and April filled with wildflowers like the ones pictured here. We’ve had a couple of storms since I’ve been home…so more rain means more flowers.

I remember a couple of years ago driving from Yuma to Tucson, a journey of 3.5 hours. On that trip, it was non-stop wildflowers all the way, both on I-8 and I-10. It wish that trip was always so beautiful.

This image is of Arizona poppies taken a couple of years ago. I used a technique called Digital Crayons to give it a more painterly look. Somehow flowers usually turn out very well when painted. I still enjoy painting the odd photograph here and there. And I hope this year will again reveal some fantastic results.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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