Monday, February 11, 2013

Postcard from Marble

I bet you don’t know where Marble is? If you do, treat yourself to a chocolate sundae. Marble is actually a small town in Central WA…not far from the Canadian border. There is very little there except a few homes and what appears to be an old western ghost town…all in one building.

It looks old, but I can find no information on it. Anyway, on one side of the building are these stairs. Can you guess where these words come from? If you can, give yourself another chocolate sundae. Give up?

These words form the Boy Scout Law. How they got on these stairs, one can only imagine. I suspect there must be a troop of local scouts who were allowed to paint them. I thought it made for an interesting and unusual photo.

Good luck trying to find out more information on this little town. I have scoured the Net and can find next to nothing. Some locals in the area think the town is owned and occupied by some religious organization. Perhaps…or perhaps not. I just know that it has few interesting photo opportunities.

In closing, let me say I am back in Tucson and will try to get back on my normal publishing schedule. I had a great vacation in the Bay Area for a month, but am absolutely delighted to be back home in Tucson…even though it is raining today.

If you find any new information about Marble, drop me a line.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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