Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Postcard from the Oregon Coast

One of the problems with being a professional photographer or even an avid amateur is one’s eye is always looking for the perfect composition in order to make a great image. So, you say, why is that a problem?

Because we photographers often don’t take the time to appreciate where we are…to take in the beauty of a place and see it for what it really is. We get so caught up in composition, light and the other elements that make a good photo that we can’t separate the forest from the trees, so to speak.

Places like this beach on the Oregon Coast are beautiful for the artist, but also beautiful for mind. In a place like this, you can experience the place itself, the beauty of it, and the sense of calm you may not be able to experience anywhere else. Here, you can contemplate such lofty subjects as who you are, how you fit in this world, and for that matter, the universe. All one has to do is open one’s mind. It’s hard to do that when you are focused on taking the perfect photograph.

I bring this up as I remember this beach very well…after I took my photos, I put down the camera and just sat for a short time soaking in the beauty and all it had to offer. It was a calming effect that made my day so much better.

As Emerson once said, “Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.”

Life is full of beauty, not only in an exquisite photograph or painting, but in the places around the world where it abounds in glorious abundance. It’s not always easy to wake up your conscience mind and let it experience what it sees. But one must always try.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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