Monday, October 08, 2012

Postcard from the Cascades

I was thinking this weekend how much I miss fall colors. It’s hard to think about autumn when it 95 down here in Southern Arizona. The hills around my home are as green as you can possible image. True, some of it is the Sugauro cactus, but there are are plenty of other desert plants that are green. Many have flowers on them. Not conducive to thought of autumn.

In Arizona, we do have regular autumn, but only at the higher elevations…places like the White Mountains, Sedona, Oak Creek Canyon and Flagstaff. And that happens in early November.

I remember my Washington State days when I would prowl the eastern portion of the Cascade Foothills and Mountains in October, searching for colorful photo opportunities. I usually had no problems finding them.

When I did art shows up in Leavenworth, WA, I had a 20’ travel trailer parked on private property about 2 miles out of town. There, some of the best autumn photos I ever took were just a few feet away from my trailer.  Now, that was heaven for a photographer.

Take this photo, for instance. I took it one lovely autumn morning about 30’ from my trailer…and I have more from the same vicinity. Lord, how I miss spending October in the Cascades…especially in October. Imagine, sitting at your table, drinking coffee, and seeing this view out your window.

Sometimes I would dawn a jacket and sit outside, just to be closer to the view. Ah, the good old days.

Last Autumn, my friend Dave and I did an Autumn photo trip to Zion National Park in November. And, you’ve seen some of the amazing photos here that I took on that trip. Our timing could not have been more perfect.

For this year, Dave and I are talking about a trip to the Sedona/Oak Creek Canyon for our Autumn photos. I hiked through Oak Creek Canyon in late November, 2007…and while I got some good photos, the best of Autumn was already passed. Am hoping for better luck this year. We shall see.

You might ask if I am sorry I moved to the Southwest when I could be enjoying all the colors I left behind. The answer is a definite NO!! My life is very rich and rewarding down here. After all, I am still wearing shorts and a t-shirt all day long. Are you?

For all you readers up in the Northwest, enjoy this season and take it all in. Who knows, you might wind up in Arizona in the future and miss it…like me.

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