Monday, October 15, 2012

Postcard from the Arches

This was one of those photos that was easy to capture. I got up early one morning, made a cup of coffee, then walked about 30 feet behind where I was camped in the Arches National Park, and shot the photo. Simple. The coffee was good and the photo turned out pretty well.

The Arches was one of many stops I made back in late 2008. Long time readers will remember I was on a road trip all over the Western United States, seeing places I’d never seen before. I left my previous home in North Central Washington and eventually wound up here in Tucson. But, I took a few months to make the journey.

I slept in my van most of the time, which was quite comfortable, even in 20 degree temperatures. I usually stayed in campgrounds, with the occasional stay in a hotel when I wanted a long shower, a comfortable bed, and a TV to watch some football.

It was a great trip with lots of memories…and a few good photos. I hated to end the trip, but it was late December, it was snowing in most places, and I felt it was time to put down some roots. December in southern Arizona is quite a bit more comfortable than up anywhere on the Colorado Plateau.

When I look at photos like this one, it brings back those memories of being on the road. It’s a special chapter in my life that I will never forget. To me, there is no greater thrill than to see and explore some beautiful place in our world that I’ve never seen before.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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