Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Postcard from Tucson

I showed this photo nearly two years ago…but back then it was in color and pretty much how it came out of the camera. The other day, I was again fooling around with filters and plug-ins in Photoshop and for reasons still unclear to me, was playing with this photo.

As happens, sometime you hit on something magic (or so it seems to me) and your say to yourself, “That’s it!!”. So it was with the photo you see before you. I titled the photo, “Almost a Cartoon,” as that was my immediate impression. It has a surrealistic effect, especially with the people. Maybe that is why I like it.

The picture was taken at our semi-annual 4th Ave. Street Fair. I say semi-annual as it happens in the fall and in the spring. It is a very popular event as thousands of people wander up and down the street gazing at the merchant’s wares. And there are between 400-500 exhibiters there for each show.

The festival is going to be interesting from here on in. Right now part of 4th Ave is completely torn up as they are installing steel rails for our new light rail system. Part of 4th Ave. is already completed (as a matter of fact, many streets are ripped up right now including the downtown area and the UofA). I am not sure how the festival will be set up as there are rails going up each side of the street.  So it should be interesting. However, I have no idea how the trolleys will run with all the people roaming the streets. But they say the show will go on. Good for them.

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