Monday, August 06, 2012

Postcard from Monterey

Hey…I’m back. After a fantastic month-long vacation, mostly in Northern California, I’m back in Tucson, just in time to enjoy the monsoons and all the hot and humid weather. But it is my home now and I love it.

I got lucky on my trip as I spent the majority of my time in fantastic weather. I did a lot, visiting friends and family, seeing sites, both familiar and new…and met some interesting new people along the way.  The only disappointment was the drive up the California Coast along Highway One. Sadly, the ocean was covered in fog the entire trip, so no photo ops there. But, I did get some new photos which I will share with you over time, along with some interesting (I hope) stories.

Today, we begin with a photo from my visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Located right next to the famous Cannery Row, this aquarium offers some interesting and spectacular displays. But, my favorite section by far, was the jellyfish section. Called, “The Jellies Experience”, it features many different kinds of jellyfish, from the small to the large, and from the harmless to the deadly. It alone is worth the price of admission.

As you might guess, these jellyfish are of the smaller variety. But their colors and movement are captivating. One could spent some time here just watching and enjoying their gentle movements. You will see more jellyfish photos in the future as well as other photos from the aquarium. If you get the chance to visit Monterey, be sure and add this place to your itinerary.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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