Monday, August 27, 2012

Postcard from Monterey

Monterey is an acquaintance. It’s not a friend, like San Francisco, or Chicago or Tucson. It’s just an acquaintance…and maybe just a passing one at that. I doubt we could ever be friends, but I like it all the same…just not that much.

Its been many years since my last visit. Much has changed, much has stayed the same, with just perhaps a hint of change.  It seems to me that the downtown wharf used to have more fishing boats in harbor. Now, it’s a haven for toys-for-the-rich (or for those folks who hang out with the rich, but are, in reality, up to their derriere in debt). But, it made for a nice walk for me and my camera.

At one time, Monterey wanted to become a big city with nice new shiny brick buildings. They wanted to tear out all those old buildings along the harbor. But, then they found that tourists like those old buildings. So where once Japanese women beat abalone steaks to make them tender, there are cutesy chain restaurants with even cuter names like Bubba Gump's.  

So, yes, Monterey is a big-time tourist town…and I guess at my advanced age, I’ve seen all the tourist traps in all the towns and they all look alike to me…none offer anything of value. Been there…done that.

But, lest you think I am an old curmudgeon and didn’t find anything good in Monterey, there were a few saving graces. The aquarium was wonderful and well worth a visit (but it may be awhile before I go to another aquarium again…I am fished out).

My hotel room had a gas-fired fireplace. Now, I don’t see many fireplaces down here in the Sonoran desert. So, it was enjoyable to fire it up when the fog came in. Too bad it was in the back corner of the room where one could not really enjoy it. Still…

I also found a wonderful large Starbucks downtown near the wharf that had a delightful patio just perfect for sitting in the sun, drinking coffee, reading, and watching the world go by. There aren’t many Starbucks that can say that.

The best discovery of all was the Crown and Anchor, a downtown British pub that actually seemed like a British pub (Sorry, but so-called British pubs in strip malls don’t count). A great selection of British beers and some excellent pub fare food.

After a couple of beers (the knowledgeable barman let me taste them before my selections), I ordered Nelson’s Cottage Pie…ground beef, vegetables, and onions cooked in a rich spicy sauce, topped with mashed potatoes and baked in the oven until golden brown. Wonderful. Now that was a great evening. Finding the Crown and Anchor was like going to a party filled with acquaintances and discovering one true friend.  


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