Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Postcard from Zion

Here and there in Zion National Park, one finds these small groves of trees with phenomenal color. Obviously, this is one of them. It is located a short way up the Narrows Trail. To get to these groves, one has to go off trail to take the photo. Of course, this kind of color only lasts a few days, so one must plan an Autumn trip to Zion with great care. For your information and future planning, this photo was taken on 11/14/11.

In Zion, during the height of the Autumn season, yellow is by far the most predominate color. Believe it or not, it actually becomes boring to the senses. Yellow is everywhere, so it is easy to become jaded by so much of one color. So when one comes across a grove of orange and/or red trees, one immediately wants to photograph it.

In this case, I climbed a small hill to get to this grove. Once inside it, it was very difficult to find the correct location to make a photograph because there were some many possible locations…all within a few feet of each other. So, as you might imagine, I have several shots of this place. This was the first one I developed in the digital darkroom.

Next time, I promise to show you a photo of some of the sweeping vistas of Zion. Trust me, I have lots of them. 

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website, www.corkrum.com.

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