Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Picture of the Day - Merced River Reflections

Have made it to Yuma, AZ and am at my son and daughter-in-law's home. Weather is in the mid 70's and am wearing my shorts for the first time since September. Love it!! Will be in the 80's by the end of the week. Spent part of Sunday and Monday night watching football with Eric at Buffalo Wild Wings here in Yuma. We proudly wore our 49er's hats at the Monday Night Game and we were treated to the best performance of the year by our San Francisco favorites. Unfortunately, they had a chance to win at the end and could not do it. Very sad way to end a terrific evening, bad clock management and the last two play calls were just stupid! OK...I will get over it.

Am going to stay here only a couple of days as Eric has to go back to work (in case you don't know, he is a federal Border Patrol agent) and winter is getting closer to some of the places I want to visit in Northern Arizona and Southern Utah. Have got the van all prepared for camping as I emptied the belongings I brought with me here at Eric's home. Looking forward to whatever lies out there next for me.

Today's photo, as the title implies, was taken in Yosemite Valley. You can see how low the Merced River is and obviously how slow it is moving. This is actually one spot where the river is the fullest. Never-the-less, the reflections here are just beautiful. The clouds in the sky are amazing when reflected and the sunlight coming in on the water from the left adds additional drama to the image. The photo also shows how serious autumn colors are in play on this day. As I have said many times, so much of photography is about timing.

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