Thursday, April 21, 2005

Hello again...Remember me?

It has been a couple of months since I made an entry in this column...and for that, I apologize. I can give you a some good excuses...and truthful to boot.

If you read my technology blog, you know I have been faithful in writing those. I usually put out 5-6 of those per week. But, most of my time these days is spent getting ready for the upcoming art show season, which actually starts one week from today. I create new paintings, print them package them, price them, and get the marketing materials ready. A lot of work, to say the least.

But, another reason I stopped writing was that I didn't like where the old blog was headed. I was trying to write about the world of art in general, just like I do for the tech blog. But, I discovered I didn't really want to do that. I was trying to become a conduit to great art for you, and that isn't my mission.

So after taking some time off to think about it while doing other things, I decided to write what I really wanted to write about in the first place...about art as I see it. I will write about my works, my shows, my experiences on the road, my successes, and even my failures.

I will write about my experiences in the art world...great museums I have visited, other artists and their art that I like (and maybe you will too), great books I've read, and other things that interest me that relate to the world of the arts. I have great stories to tell from my time on the road and all the art I am exposed to.

The bottom line is that I want to write about my world of art... and the way I see the rest of the art world. I am not an art expert and am not qualified to write any long dissertations about what is good and what is not so good art. I am just going to tell you about what I see. Good art is in the eye of the creator and the beholder. And just like I get to make up my mind, you should have the opportunity to do the same.

If all this sounds a bit egotistical, perhaps it is. But, most blogs are about the writers who create them and the world they live it politics, technology, religion, literature, history, or even art. That being the case, it is probably true that most blogs are egotistical.

In reviewing my tech blog, I find that I am really doing the same thing: searching out technologies that are interesting to me, exploring them more, and writing about them in hopes they will be of interest to others. In reading the responses from my readers, it seems to be working.

I hope this will be the case for this blog and that you will enjoy my new approach.

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