Monday, June 03, 2013

Postcard from Grant County

Yes, I’ve been fooling around in the digital paints again.  But, don’t worry Ma, I didn’t get any on my clothes. I wear a digital apron these days. And if I do get any on my hands, it washes right off.

Don’t mind my humor today. I am a little off my rocker with the heat…we are in the 100’s these days, so I get a little sun stroke if go outside. But, that is Tucson for you. One learns to adjust one’s life to the weather. I went out for my usual morning walk at 5:30 this morning when it was a cool 74. As you might imagine, I have a lot of indoor projects planned for this summer.

Back to the matter at hand. Of course this painting is from a photo I took back in the late 20th century. I’ve been digging up some of my old pictures that I have stored on CD’s. I found this one and it looked like a good subject for a painting. It’s somewhat impressionistic and I enhanced it by putting it down on a digital cloth canvas. If you click on the image, you will see a larger version and the canvas will become more noticeable.

This image is a hay shed, located somewhere between Ephrata and Soap Lake. Locals who read this blog probably know exactly where this is…if it is still standing.  There were certainly some beautiful clouds in the sky that day.

Don’t be surprised if some more digital paintings turn up here in the future. I like to think that my paintings are what stand me apart from other photographers. I believe all artists want to be unique in some fashion.

(To see a larger version of this image, just click on it)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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