Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Postcard From Oakland

I call this photo, “Where Buildings Meet.” It’s a classic case of viewing a three dimensional scene in two dimension…with the help of a telephoto lens. What makes it interesting is the two building have similar architectural style…only one has blue windows, the other almost black.

Of course, the windows are in fact the same…its just that one is angled just right to reflection the blue sky and clouds…and the other isn’t. But the black windows show a marvelous reflection of the Oakland Tribune Tower.  

The majority of the architectural photos I do are in black and white…and for good reason. But this one had to be done in color. While the lines and form are very simple, the reflected colors give it life. Simplicity rendered complex by the colors…but still quite austere.

Oakland has rendered some wonderful architectural images…even more so than its sister city across the bay…although that may not always hold true as I go back to San Francisco to look for more. Oakland is far less busy the SF, so its easier to move around and look for interesting architectural features.

Architectural photography is new to me…meaning I have only been concentrating on it for the last few years. But I am quite pleased at some of the results. I hope you like them also.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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